Teaching strategy based on mnemonics to master technical-scientific language and improve scientific culture in natural sciences



Mnemonics, technical-scientific language, basic education, natural sciences, scientific culture


The mastery of technical-scientific language is essential for elementary school students to develop accurate and effective communication skills, fundamental for their academic and professional success in the scientific and technological fields. In the subject of Natural Sciences, the adequate use of this language facilitates the understanding and communication of complex concepts, fosters critical thinking, and allows for a detailed interpretation of natural phenomena. However, students face difficulties due to the abstraction and specificity of the scientific-technical vocabulary, which can lead to confusion and discouragement. In response to these difficulties, the present study, a quasi-experimental study with a mixed approach, evaluated the effectiveness of a didactic strategy based on mnemonics to improve the mastery of technical-scientific language and scientific culture in students in the sixth year of General Basic Education (EGB) at the Prof. Jorge Amable Quezada Pinzón Educational Unit. The sample consisted of 11 students and 2 teachers. Through questionnaires, direct observation and semi-structured interviews, the mnemonic strategy was implemented and evaluated, which included the creation of acronyms, rhymes, and visual associations. The results showed significant improvements in the comprehension of scientific terms, inquiry skills, and application of scientific knowledge, confirming the effectiveness of mnemonic strategies in the educational context. These findings underscore the importance of integrating mnemonic techniques to overcome barriers in the learning of scientific vocabulary and to promote deeper and longer-lasting understanding.


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How to Cite

Rogel-Hernández, C. A., Alejandro-Maza, M. F., & Vergel-Parejo, E. E. (2024). Teaching strategy based on mnemonics to master technical-scientific language and improve scientific culture in natural sciences. Revista Mexicana De Investigación E Intervención Educativa, 3(3), 71–86. Retrieved from https://pablolatapisarre.edu.mx/revista/index.php/rmiie/article/view/108