Educational agents in the field of initial education and the challenge of their current professionalization




Professionalization, educational agents, initial education, professional profile, training


In this work, the importance of the professionalization of the educational agents who serve early education centers is described and analyzed, the impact of the professional profile and its role in caring for early childhood, the protection of the rights of the childhood, its intervention processes, care and the psychological, physical and emotional development of children from 0 to 3 years of age. Therefore, vocational training must provide relevant content with the knowledge and skills and to provide comprehensive care to boys and girls, that is, provide society with professionals who have deep knowledge about childhood, its characteristics, development and create healthy parenting practices with the family, and promote cognitive development in infants. Achieving relevant professionalization constitutes, in this sense, establishing a link to create better educational and service practices; design and develop proposals that benefit children, the community and society and increase the educational level of the professional profile in early education. At the same time, educational agents will have better opportunities for growth and development in the work field of early education and will be recognized in their professional work.


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How to Cite

Lara-Villanueva, R. S., & Zúñiga-Rodríguez, M. (2024). Educational agents in the field of initial education and the challenge of their current professionalization. Revista Mexicana De Investigación E Intervención Educativa, 3(2), 18–25.