The crucial role of trainers in knowledge transfer




Training, trainers, knowledge


This article provides an introduction to the concept of training the trainers and the role that trainers play in knowledge transfer. Topics such as the importance of training trainers and the skills and competencies required to be an effective trainer are also addressed. The training of trainers is a topic that has become increasingly important today. Trainers are tasked with transferring knowledge and skills to others, and to do so effectively, they need to be well prepared and up-to-date on best teaching practices and techniques. This article provides an introduction to the concept of training the trainers and explains the objectives of training the trainers. Topics such as the importance of training trainers and the skills and competencies required to be an effective trainer are also addressed.


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How to Cite

Haro-Calero, R. D., & Yépez-Pullopaxi, G. C. (2024). The crucial role of trainers in knowledge transfer. Revista Mexicana De Investigación E Intervención Educativa, 3(2), 89–98.