Stimulation of children's neurodevelopment as part of initial teacher training




Stimulation of neurodevelopment, neuroeducation, teacher training


Research in neuroscience has transformed the understanding of human development, and particularly the brain, by revealing its close relationship with the experiences and experiences of the environment that constitutes the social situation of the child's development. In this area, the importance of the first years of life in the process of human development has been highlighted, considering that, during this period, significant levels of growth and development are manifested, accompanied by a notable capacity to establish new neuronal connections, which places great value on providing an enriched and stimulating environment during childhood to enhance their maximum development. This article addresses the importance of understanding and taking advantage of the early years and sensitive periods of development, for the stimulation process from a prevention-development perspective. Likewise, it highlights the need for adequate teacher training to carry out effective early stimulation, recognizing the impact on the child's development. The conception of the curricular design of the subject Development Stimulation in the Initial Education career is analyzed, in which teaching, research and connection are effectively integrated, guaranteeing contextualized training for future teachers.


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How to Cite

Rojas-Valladares, A. L., Domínguez-Urdanivia, Y., & Macías-Merizalde, A. M. (2024). Stimulation of children’s neurodevelopment as part of initial teacher training. Revista Mexicana De Investigación E Intervención Educativa, 3(2), 99–107.