Social, educational and community support for people with autism. A systematic review



Autism spectrum disorder, integration, community, families, inclusion


The community and society in general play an essential role in the quality of life of people with autism. This can have a significant impact on these people living a long and full life as independently as possible, once society supports their active participation and inclusion. This study analyzes how social, educational and community support positively influences inclusion and quality of life through raising awareness and understanding of autism spectrum disorder. The systematic review includes articles published between 2019 and 2024. The PRISMA methodology is used to distinguish relevant studies. The studies reviewed underline the importance of social, educational and community support for people with autism, which has an impact on inclusive environments and respect for diversity. As well as the need to implement effective communication strategies that educate the population about neurodiversity and the need to offer early support. The systematic review reveals that there is still a lack of professionals trained to provide comprehensive support, where coordinated and collaborative approaches that combine education, awareness and the creation of inclusive environments that integrate professionals, families and the community are implemented.


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How to Cite

Méndez-Cabrera, N. C., & Apolo-Córdova, V. K. (2024). Social, educational and community support for people with autism. A systematic review. Revista Mexicana De Investigación E Intervención Educativa, 3(3), 149–156. Retrieved from