Innovative integration of ICT in English teaching: a focus on the transformation of educational policies referring to new technologies in the university field




English platforms, Pearson, English teaching


The purpose of this paper is to examine the use of English platform in English teaching programs in Metropolitan Languages School. Pearson is a global education company that provides educational materials and services to learning institutions around the world. The company has developed several digital platforms that are used by universities and other institutions to enhance teaching and learning. This paper will explore English Platforms that are currently in use in English teaching programs, focusing on the benefits and drawbacks of these platforms, and analyzing their impact on student learning outcomes supported by Ecuadorian educational policies.


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How to Cite

Pauta-Arévalo, A. V., & Haro-Calero, R. D. (2024). Innovative integration of ICT in English teaching: a focus on the transformation of educational policies referring to new technologies in the university field. Revista Mexicana De Investigación E Intervención Educativa, 3(2), 26–34.