Escape room as a teaching strategy: Proposal for use in high school
Escape room, educational game, teaching method, secondary education, active learning, secondary schoolAbstract
This article demonstrates the importance of the use of escape rooms that they represent in education, in turn determining how teachers apply escape rooms as a didactic strategy for teaching-learning with their high school students. For this, an investigation was carried out in the “Roberto Rodas” Educational Unit” period 2024. A mixed approach was proposed, where collection instruments were applied such as the survey carried out on teachers, which reflected that there is little mastery of the use of escape room inside their classrooms. On the other hand, this research was descriptive in scope, cross-sectional cohort because the data were obtained at a single moment and the results were obtained through the SPSS application, and then the corresponding descriptive analysis was carried out. And it was proposed to apply the ADIEE methodology. Finally, it was concluded that the implementation of escape rooms in their classrooms promotes dynamic learning because it allows motivating and developing the different skills and abilities that allow high school students to have meaningful learning and quality education.
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