Gamification as an evaluation strategy in Basic General Education: An application experience in Azogues-Ecuador
Educational games, student evaluation, teaching and training, educational strategiesAbstract
The present research aims to analyze the impact of gamification on the motivation of the evaluation process in students from 10 to 11 years of age at the Escuela de Educación General Básica Quito No 9, during the school year 2023-2024, in the context of the Creative and Innovative Pedagogies within the line of Art, Culture and University. The study adopted a mixed approach with a quasi-experimental design due to the absolute control of the variables of interest. The population consisted of sixth grade students, aged between 10 and 12 years (5 boys and 17 girls). In this study, methodological approaches such as the hypothetico-deductive and the historical-logical were used. For data collection, a pre-test and post-test were applied by means of a physical observation. Results were obtained by applying JASP software to perform the corresponding statistical tests. In addition, the data were analyzed by correlation to explore the relationship between the different variables measured by the observation card. These analyses demonstrated that the integration of gamification with Design Thinking generates motivating and meaningful assessments, promoting active and enriching learning at all educational levels. These results translate into tangible improvements in student motivation and learning quality.
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