Use of technological resources in Physical Education classes




Physical Education, educational technology, motivation, educational agents, teacher


The use of technological resources in Physical Education classes has proven to be an effective tool to motivate students to practice this discipline, with a more active and dynamic participation in physical activities. The objective was to analyze the level of knowledge that professionals of Physical Education and sports training, postgraduates and graduates of an important master's degree of the Ecuadorian Austro have about the technological resources that are applied in the classes. The research was descriptive with a qualitative and cross-sectional approach, the TPACK questionnaire was applied, the data collected were analyzed through the statistical package spss version 25, the population consisted of 137 professionals in the area of Physical Education and sports training postgraduates and graduates of an important master's degree in the Ecuadorian Austro. The results of the study revealed that the level of pedagogical technological knowledge of these professionals was medium and high. On the other hand, the variables sex, third or fourth level of professional training and the type of public or private institution did not determine the level of knowledge and use of technology applied in this area.


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Author Biography

Ruth Noemi Yupa-Allaico, Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Ecuador.





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How to Cite

Yupa-Allaico, R. N., & Aldas-Arcos, H. G. (2024). Use of technological resources in Physical Education classes. Revista Mexicana De Investigación E Intervención Educativa, 3(2), 53–61.