Genially as a teaching strategy to strengthen reading: An experience with students aged six to seven years



Genially, reading, educational games, educational strategies, teaching, learning


The objective of this research was to improve the teaching and learning of reading in students aged six to seven years at the Colombia basic general education school, located in the Nazón parish, where a lack of interest and motivation towards reading was evident. A mixed approach of descriptive scope and quasi-experimental design was adopted, collecting data before and after the intervention. The methodological approaches included the hypothetical-deductive to address the research question and the historical-logical to develop the theoretical framework and state of the art. A survey of 20 questions was applied before and after, measured using the Likert scale, validated by the Delphi method and with a Cronbach's alpha reliability of 0.927. Data analysis with JASP software revealed that motivation and interest in reading were low in the pretest. Based on these results, the strategy "Genially: Innovating Didactics to Enhance Reading in Children from 6 to 7 Years Old" was developed and implemented, adapted to Design Thinking instructional design. The post test showed a significant increase in motivation and interest in reading, confirming that Genially is a useful tool to encourage reading in children, improving their motivation and participation in the educational process.


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How to Cite

Herrera-Luna, A. L., Álvarez-Lozano, M. I., & Flores-Chuquimarca, D. K. (2024). Genially as a teaching strategy to strengthen reading: An experience with students aged six to seven years. Revista Mexicana De Investigación E Intervención Educativa, 3(2), 139–148. Retrieved from